A Vision of Students Today
This is one video every teacher should sit down and take a look at. It opens up many new ideas on how we could make teaching a better experience for the students. Most of the questions teachers wonder about are answered in this video. The video shows teachers were to focus most of their attention and time in the classroom. Most of the time is being wasted on lectures that have nothing to do with everyday life.
The University presidents should sit and take a good look at this video as well. It would show them were most of the school funds should be going. Instead of buying all those school books, that money should be going on lab tops and portable tablets. Hundreds of dollars are spent on books and are never even used. Most of these problems can be fixed, the question is when.
Michael Wesch and the students of Introduction to Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University, make some great points in this video. There are lots of worthless teaching going on in classrooms. We as students need to speak up and let our opinion be heard. We sit in these large classrooms everyday were the teachers don't even know our names. Most of the lessons don't have anything to do with everyday life problems.
We use our technical devices far more than we open or use books. Most of our time is spent on social networks sites like facebook and tweeter. With this being known, more of our lessons should be done through online sources. Most of us will be in over $20,000 of debt after we graduate because of schools wasting our money. By knowing this we should not have to waste money on books and any other worthless items. I feel there is to many teachers still stuck in the past with those old teaching ways.
Technology is rapidly growing and if our schools don't push for changes we will not be ready for jobs in the near future. Most of the jobs we are in school for will not be available when we graduate. Computers have became a large part of job fields in the world.
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