Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog post #7

The Networking Student
Hi, my name is Byronn Brye and I feel networking has become a mandatory learning tool in the 21st century. Networking can be useful in many different ways and situations in today’s society. One way it can be useful, if you are a student that misses a lot of lecture time it can save your grade. Networking will allow you to still get all your assignments done because you have the power to do them anytime before your due date. Just like in my EDM 310 course, networking is very useful because I run a tight schedule.

Network learning has endless possibilities and countless ways of getting a lesson plan to your entire classroom, without ever seeing them face to face. In my opinion, there is no tool that is more useful than networking in the 21st century. Teachers and students are building a great relationship by using the networking system. It gives the students more flexibility to carry out everyday things and still have time to finish the work for school. Being able to open up our lesson plan any were assures there is no excuse not to do your work. The teacher also benefits because he or she can give the lesson to the class without even leavening the house.

At the end of the movie there is a great question asked. I feel the question was answered very well. Why do we need teachers,  is a great question to ask. In my opinion, the teachers would know more about the lesson plans than the students. There would come a time, when you ask the teacher a question, and they don’t know the answer. That’s when the teacher and the student must get together, and learn the answer to what ever the question asked.

                                          A 7th Graders Personal Learning Enviroment

After watching the PLE of the 7th grader, I found lots of similar characteristics in our work. I just did a PLE with my group called BAJA. We are a group from EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. Our PLE was done mainly on the same style as the 7th graders PLN. We used social networking communications such as face book to set up our group meatings. Most of our work just like the 7th graders PLN was done using no pencils or paper. Using the computer makes all your work look very professional.


  1. Byronn,
    I liked your post. I understand that you are in agreement with the networking thing. I like that you said that if the teacher does not know then the teacher and student need to get together to figure it out. A lot of times that does not happen anymore. I only found a couple mistakes; they are not a huge deal just a couple spelling errors.

    "Being able to open up our lesson plan any were assures..." Were should be where

    "...she can give the lesson to the class without even leavening the house." leavening should be leaving

    Overall, good post! Keep it up!


  2. " ...useful, if you are a student that misses a lot of lecture time it can save..." You need a comma after time.

    A PLN is primarily a group of people, but also tools, that expand your sources of information, provide you with ideas, challenge your thinking, get you to explore new possibilities. The more people you have in your PLN, and the more diverse their backgrounds and interests, the more you will benefit.

    Better writing. To what do you attribute your improvement? See Lyndsie's corrections above.
