Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blog Post #10

 two hands holding a brain
Do you Teach or Do you Educate? My name is Byronn Brye and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I feel I educate rather than teach. The reason I feel the is way is because I love to offer advice but also love to listen and learn new things as well. Also, I like for people to look towards me for advice if i have a better knowledge on the situation that is at hand. If I don't understand the situation I will be willing to learn or gain knowledge along with my students. Loving to be a leader and not a follower makes people feel I am a good mentor. A mentor should be a open minded person that is always willing to consider new ideas. I also am willing to advise a person on what to so without trying to control there thoughts. By only advising this allows the student to think there problem through very careful. Trust is a major issue when you are in the educator field. Let your students know that you are not afraid to make mistakes.
Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home: Yes I understand what the post is saying, but I don't agree with the pencils being the problem. There are to many teachers that believe test scores are the most important thing in school. Test scores mean nothing if you don't learn the material and remember the material for later purposes in life. I don't think it is as important that students are playing hangman or writing with there pencils. If that how the entertain them self it is great. Sometime in low income areas pencils and other simple objects become great past time tools. Those pencils could be the reason the student does not get involved with the wrong people and get in trouble. With attendance in our schools dropping so very rapidly, it is great to see the students in class no matter what they are writing with there pencils.


  1. Byronne,

    I think that you will be a great educator one day. You are so right. I enjoyed reading that you will be learning and gaining knowledge right along with your students. I also do not think that pencils are the problem. It all comes down to being creative with our lessons and engaging our students to do productive things with their pencils. Hangman is a great learning game to me. My 1st grade child loves to play it with us on his chalkboard wall. It makes him feel like he is teaching us, all the while he is actually learning himself.

  2. " think there problem through very careful." their not there and carefully not careful

    Did you understand that Johnson's (Spencer's) commentary was an extended metaphor or allegory in which pencils were computers? It doesn't seem to me that you correctly interpreted what was written metaphorically.

  3. You need to include links to the videos/blogposts.
